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Travel Guide Banyuwangi


Banyuwangi is located in Java (East) in Indonesia. Banyuwangi is not visited by many travelers but there are still several interesting things to see here. We only have information about a few highlights around Banyuwangi though.

Popular destinations

Getting to Banyuwangi

Flying to Banyuwangi: Banyuwangi is served by Blimbingsari Airport. Blimbingsari Airport is located about 15 km south from Banyuwangi. A taxi into the city from Blimbingsari Airport would cost IDR 100.000. Read more about Blimbingsari Airport or look for flights to Banyuwangi

A train to Banyuwangi: Banyuwangi is also reachable by train. The city has several train stations where long-distance trains stop: station Banyuwangibaru, station Glenmore, station Kalibaru, station Kalisetail, station Karangasem, station Rogojampi, station Sumberwadung, station Temuguruh.
Look for trains to Banyuwangi.

Cities close by

Things to do close by Banyuwangi

Beaches and Islands:

National Parks, Forests and Waterfalls: