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Safety Tips for Online Transactions

Safety Tips for Online Transactions

9 Sep 2012 11:11:00

Online business in Indonesia is increasing rapidly and unfortunately along with that cybercrime too which will disappoint many people and hurt the online business itself. Therefore, you need to be more cautious and conservative in doing online transaction. In the cyberworld where 'face to face' and boundaries do not exist it is all based on the honesty principle. As a customer, you need to be more thorough and cautious in doing transaction. Here are some tips in making sure online transaction are safe.

Check the contact person his phone number

If the number is a pre-paid card, you need to be more careful as it is easy for them to switch numbers. If the number is post paid, it means they are more professional and more respect your sceptical attitude.

Check the bank account name

If they post more than 1 bank account, make sure that the owner's name is the same with all bank account's name.

Check whether the domain is registered for the agent or not

Checking whether the domain is registered for the agents name or is a must when doing online transaction. It means that they own the asset and are serious in running online business.

Use Thirdparty payment systems like PayPal

Paypal and other third party payment systems uses secure connections so the customer will be safer in doing transaction. Also any payment details, like creditcard number are not sent to the agent. With these tips in doing online transactions, we hope you will be more cautious. Hopefully in the end, this negative side of the cyber world will be gone by itself. Source: www.syauky.com

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