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National Park Taka Bonerata

Makassar, Indonesia

National Park Taka Bonerata

The National Park Taka Bone Rata, located 250km south of Makassar, Sulawesi, is dominated by see pines, coral reef and palm trees. It is the third largest atoll in the world after Kwajifein on the Marshall Islands and Suvadiva in the Maledives. The atoll has a overall size of 220.000 hectare of which 50.000 hectare is made of coral reef.

The area is unique since the 20 small islands in the atoll are made by the coral reef. Of the 20 islands of the atoll only 6 are inhabited and 15 can be used for diving. The park is perfect for marine activities like snorkeling and diving with small ponds surrounded by corral (especially at low tide) and deep straits between the islands.

The national park is considered to contain some of the world's highest marine biodiversity with 261 species of coral, 295 species of fish and 244 species of mollusks and several turtles, including the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and Pacific Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) .

National Park Taka Bonerata

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Transport options National Park Taka Bonerata

To reach the national park, you can use the bus from Makassar to Bulukumba (5 hours), then by ferry to the Pamatata Selayar harbor (2 hours), from Pamatata to Benteng (1,5 hours) and from there use a local boat to Rajuni Kecil (5 hours). All in all the travel time Makassar to Rajuni Kecil would be about 15 hours.

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Getting to Makassar

Flying to Makassar


Makassar is served by Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport is located about 20 km northeast from Makassar. A taxi into the city from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport would cost IDR 100.000. Read more about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport or look for flights to Makassar.
