Looking for a train ticket to Station Kebumen, Kebumen? Find here easily all available train tickets and other relevant information. You can search for cheap train tickets to Kebumen and easily compare ticket prices for different dates and stations.
Looking for cheap Indonesian train tickets? With Utiket you can search for all trains, find the lowest ticket price and most convenient travel times. Best of all, here on Utiket you can directly compare tickets from all stations in a city. We do not add any commission or fees to a booking you make, making it the best place to find the best trains for your journey.
Kebumen station is the second largest station in Kebumen after Gombong Station. The station is located in the south of Kebumen city centre, which is in Panjer sub-District. Kebumen station is in the Operational Region V Purwokerto. Kebumen station’s building is not big. On the side there is a fairly large parking lot. To purchase tickets and lining up is in the front. Facilities at this station consists of a mosque located in the western end of the station, toilets, health posts and a lactation (breastfeeding room). On the inside there are shops selling foods and drinks. The station possesses two railway lines, one line for trains coming from the east and one track for trains coming from the west. In the station there are also many porters can be found using blue uniform. You can use their services to assist you with your luggage. Although it is less convenient, but the station is always crowded because it is the nearest only station from Kebumen City.
These are the stations near Kebumen for which you can book a train ticket online. There may be more stations near Kebumen but they are only for local trains.