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Train tickets to Station Kertapati, Palembang

Looking for a train ticket to Station Kertapati, Palembang? Find here easily all available train tickets and other relevant information. You can search for cheap train tickets to Kertapati and easily compare ticket prices for different dates and stations.

Yvo explains

Looking for cheap Indonesian train tickets? With Utiket you can search for all trains, find the lowest ticket price and most convenient travel times. Best of all, here on Utiket you can directly compare tickets from all stations in a city. We do not add any commission or fees to a booking you make, making it the best place to find the best trains for your journey.

Train Stations in Palembang

These are the stations near Palembang for which you can book a train ticket online. There may be more stations near Palembang but they are only for local trains.

Ratings for station Kertapati (KPT), Palembang

7.4 / 10

Out a score of ten. Based on 10 ratings





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Departures from station Kertapati, Palembang

NameDirectionDeparture Time
Rajabasa (#S11)Lampung08:30
Bukit Serelo (#S9)Lubuk linggau09:00
Sindang Marga (#S3)Lubuk linggau20:15

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