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Travel Guide Siem Reap

Siem Reap

Siem Reap is a city located in the northwestern part of Cambodia. This old town is the capital of Siem Reap Province in Cambodia country. The city also lies adjacent to the Angkor Wat making it as one of the tourist centers and cultural significance in Cambodian. You will find many interesting places in this city, one of which is the number of old buildings with typical Chinese architecture. It is also why the city is filled with tourists.

Tourist info

Things to see

There are many magnificent and charming temples that you can see in this city. One of which is Angkor Wat temple complex which is a fairly wide where there were about 80 temples. In architectural, the main temple at Angkor Wat is similar to Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta. You can climb to the top of the temple and see the beautiful scenery around Angkor Wat. Well, if you want to see the beautiful view of the sunset then the right place is Angkor Thom and Bayon. From this place you will see the beautiful sunset that emanated from the Buddha statues found in the temple complex.

Things to do

One more unique place that you must visit is Ta Phrom and Preah Khan. This place offers two unique Cambodian cultures. You also can buy typical souvenirs of Cambodia. You also can visit the Old Market which is a market that sells various souvenirs of Cambodia. And if you get bored with the nightlife, you can visit the Night Market or Pub Street. You can get around in this city by hiring the services of a tuk-tuk, a vehicle that resembles a stroller and pulled on a motorbike.

Things to eat

One of the special foods in this place is Amok, made of fish or chicken and cooked using a mixture of coconut milk and typical spices of Cambodia. There is also Lok Lak made of fried chopped beef. Moreover, in this city there are still many Baguette bread you can eat as a breakfast menu.

Getting to Siem Reap

Flying to Siem Reap: Siem Reap is served by Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport. Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport is located about 10 km northeast from Siem Reap. A taxi into the city from Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport would cost USD 8.00. Read more about Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport or look for flights to Siem Reap

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