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Mangunan AgroTourism

Desa Mangunan, Kecamatan Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta., Indonesia

Mangunan AgroTourism

The Mangunan Agrowisata or Kebun buah Mangunan (Mangunan fruit garden) is located in Mangunan Village, Bantul District 35 km south from Yogyakarta. The Mangunan Agrotourism is built in 2003 on an area of 23.34 hectares by the Government of Bantul Regency. It is located in the foothills of Pegunungan Seribu (which mean Thousand Mountains) a an altitude of 150-200m above sea level.

You can choose from a variety of fruits that you can simply pick and eat. Not all fruits are available year round of course because several are only available in their season. To pick and taste the many variaties of fruit here, you are required to pay a small fee. While eating your stumoch full with deliciously fresh fruits, you can also admire the scenery in this hilly region. The Agrotourism has a viewing post at the top of the hill where you can look over the beautiful scenery of Pegunungan Seribu.

Besides eating fruits and marvel at the natural scenery, Agro Mangunan provides some other facilities you may want to try out: there is an outbound area, a flying fox and waterbikes. This area is often used for cross country sports.

Mangunan AgroTourism

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Transport options Mangunan AgroTourism

Getting here may be bit difficult as there is not really any public transportation to the AgroWisata, you need to arrange your own transport by hiring a car or motorbike. To go to Agro Mangunan you can follow Jalan Imogiri Timur to Imogiri Dlingo, then about 5km from Imogiri Dlingo you will get to the Mangunan village. At the Balai Desa Mangunan (village hall) are directions available or you can ask for directions to the Agrowisata Mangunan.

Ratings for Mangunan AgroTourism

5.2 / 10

Out a score of ten. Based on 2 ratings




Good value3

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Good value

Ticket fees ticket fee

5000 rupiahs /person

Related places: Attractions

Things to do close by Mangunan AgroTourism

Getting to Yogyakarta

Flying to Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta is served by Adisutjipto International Airport and Yogyakarta International Airport. Adisutjipto International Airport is located about 6 km east from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Adisutjipto International Airport would cost 60.000. Read more about Adisutjipto International Airport or look for flights to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta International Airport is located about km from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Yogyakarta International Airport would cost . Read more about Yogyakarta International Airport.

A train to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is also reachable by train. The city has several train stations where long-distance trains stop: station Brambanan, station Lempuyangan, station Sentolo, station Tugu.

Look for more Trains to Yogyakarta.
