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Natsepa Beach

Ambon, Indonesia

Natsepa Beach

A beautiful beach made of perfect white sand located in the village of Suli, Central Maluku. A visit to Ambon is incomplete without having been to and enjoyed the beauty of Natsepa Beach.

The beauty of Natsepa beach is best enjoyed from the water, the see is quiet and safe for swimming and playing in the water. Or you can go on a boat to go around for about Rp. 20,000 for 1 hour.

On the beach you can also relax in one of the Natsepa beauty shops. Not far from the beach, about 700m, you can find markets that sell a variety of fresh fish which have just been deliverd by the local fishermen.

If you're lucky to come here when it is sunny you can buy fish very cheap since the price of fish depends on the weather. Prices can double in bad weather.

The beach also has a myth, it is said that Natsepa can cure ailments such as flu or a fever with a bath in the sand.

Natsepa Beach

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Transport options Natsepa Beach

Getting to the Natsepa beach is quite easy. From the Terminal Besar in Ambon city you can get on a public transportation (Rp. 5000) to Suli (about 30 minutes) arriving close to the beach.

Since Natsepa beach is close to Ambon city center (about 18 km), it's more convenient and faster to use your own vehicle (car or motorbike) .

Ratings for Natsepa Beach

7.2 / 10

Out a score of ten. Based on 4 ratings




Good value7

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Good value

Ticket fees ticket fee

Admission price is very cheap at Rp. 1.000/person and Rp. 2,500 for parking.

Related places: Beach

Things to do close by Natsepa Beach

Getting to Ambon

Flying to Ambon


Ambon is served by Pattimura Airport. Pattimura Airport is located about 9 km west from Ambon. A taxi into the city from Pattimura Airport would cost IDR 200.000. Read more about Pattimura Airport or look for flights to Ambon.