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Kraton Yogyakarta

Jl. Rotowijayan 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Kraton Yogyakarta

The Yogyakarta Sultan Palace (Kraton) is situated in the middle of the city center. The palace was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in 1755. Part of the palace complex is a museum that holds various collections belonging to the sultanate, such as a replica of the palace and various kinds of gamelan (musical instruments).

Also at the Sultan Palace is the Coach Museum of the Palace, the Sultan's Palace Museum and the Batik Museum.

In addition to various cultural and architectural objects you can see performances of musicians, macapat (poets), wayang kulit (shadow puppets) wayang orang (shadow puppets with actual people) always performed at about 10:00 to 12:00 at the ward Sri Manganti.

Kraton Yogyakarta

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Transport options Kraton Yogyakarta

Many public transportation can be used to go to the Sultan Palace since it is situated in the middle of downtown. The Sultan Palace is at the end of the Malioboro road and from the tourist area at Jl. Sosrowijayan it is doable to walk or you cycle or take a becak.

Fees for public buses is only Rp 3,000 per person.

Ratings for Kraton Yogyakarta

8.4 / 10

Out a score of ten. Based on 14 ratings




Good value8.6

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Good value

Opening hoursopening hours

The museum is open every day except when there are traditional ceremonies. Opening hours start at 08:30 to 14:00 except Fridays when it is open until 13.00.

Ticket fees ticket fee

To enter the Museum Kraton you just pay an entrance fee of Rp 5,000 and Rp 1,000 for the camera.

Images for Kraton Yogyakarta

Related places: History

Things to do close by Kraton Yogyakarta

Getting to Yogyakarta

Flying to Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta is served by Adisutjipto International Airport and Yogyakarta International Airport. Adisutjipto International Airport is located about 6 km east from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Adisutjipto International Airport would cost 60.000. Read more about Adisutjipto International Airport or look for flights to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta International Airport is located about km from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Yogyakarta International Airport would cost . Read more about Yogyakarta International Airport.

A train to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is also reachable by train. The city has several train stations where long-distance trains stop: station Brambanan, station Lempuyangan, station Sentolo, station Tugu.

Look for more Trains to Yogyakarta.
