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Bukit Bintang

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Bukit Bintang

Bukit Bintang is a tourist attraction located in the City of Gudeg, precisely in Pathuk hills, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The original name of this place is Bukit Hargo Dumilah (Hargo Dumilah Hill) but better known as Bukit Bintang because in this place you can see the wonderful lights twinkling like starlight. Flickering light is actually coming from the light beam of houses in Yogyakarta region in which when viewed from the top of the hill it will emit visible light like a star. This place is quite famous among youngsters. However there are also families who frequently come to enjoy the beauty and romance of this place. Although this plac can also be visited during the day but this place will look more beautiful if you visit at night.

This hill is situated at an altitude of about 150 meters above the city of Yogyakarta, so do not be surprised if the air in this place is pretty cool and even cold. This hill is getting crowded by visitors who want to see the beauty of the city of Yogyakarta at night from a height. So, it's no wonder if many of the locals who use this location for entrepreneurship. Most business selected is culinary. So do not worry if you are here because in addition you can enjoy the beautiful view of the city of Yogyakarta at night from the top of the hill, you can also enjoy some food and drinks sold here, ranging from snacks like toasted bread, roasted corn, grilled banana, as well as other meals that will taste better again when accompanied by a cup of hot coffee. For visitors who come from outside the city of Yogyakarta, do not worry because there are some inns also available here.

Bukit Bintang

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Transport options Bukit Bintang

This place is located on Jalan Yogyakarta - Wonosari km. 16. If you want to go to the location of this attraction you can easily use public transport, private vehicle or rental vehicle. From the city center you can go to the Ring Road Timur and then take direction heading into Jalan Wonosari. You just follow the directions straight to Jalan Wonosari until arriving at Bukit Hargo Dumilah, Pathuk hills, Gunung Kidul .

Ratings for Bukit Bintang

6.8 / 10

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Good value6.5

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Good value

Related places: Attractions

Things to do close by Bukit Bintang

Getting to Yogyakarta

Flying to Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta is served by Adisutjipto International Airport and Yogyakarta International Airport. Adisutjipto International Airport is located about 6 km east from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Adisutjipto International Airport would cost 60.000. Read more about Adisutjipto International Airport or look for flights to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta International Airport is located about km from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Yogyakarta International Airport would cost . Read more about Yogyakarta International Airport.

A train to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is also reachable by train. The city has several train stations where long-distance trains stop: station Brambanan, station Lempuyangan, station Sentolo, station Tugu.

Look for more Trains to Yogyakarta.
