Please be quiet: Bali's tourism shuts down for a day
29 Mar 2017 04:37:20
While massive blizzards and extreme weather in places like New York can leave hotels and airlines scrambling to alternate staff and schedules, the tourism industry in Bali has a somewhat similar challenge every year: Day of Silence.
Nyepi, a Hindu celebration primarily celebrated in the Indonesian island calls for a day of silence on March 28 and is marked as time for self-reflection. The ritual mandates the absence of work, entertainment and travel, which makes for a 24-hour period during which no flights are allowed in or out, electricity use is limited and cars are prohibited on the streets. Even television provider Indovision ceases broadcasting for the day.
Hotel guests on the island are confined to their property and special arrangements have to be made for a limited staff to keep hotels operating.
The day is a ripple for Bali's tourism industry, which received more than four million visitors in 2015, according to statics from Bali Provincial Tourism Service. That's a stark increase from 1.4 million just a decade earlier.
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