Looking for cheap Indonesian train tickets with the Argo Sindoro train? With Utiket you can search for all trains, find the lowest Argo Sindoro ticket price and most convenient travel times. Best of all, here on Utiket you can directly compare Argo Sindoro tickets from all stations in a city.
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Kereta Api Argo Sindoro travels between Jakarta (GMR) and Semarang (SMT).
Argo Sindoro is a train serving Jakarta Gambir - Semarang Tawang route. Argo Sindoro train, an executive class train, offers a trip from Semarang to Jakarta in the morning and vice versa, Jakarta - Semarang in the afternoon. The name Sindoro on this train is taken from the name of a mountain located in Temanggung District, Central Java, namely Mount Sindoro. As for the use of the name Argo is derived from a word in the Java language, Hargo, which means a mountain. The naming Argo signifies that this train has a higher grade than the full executive class one, although the service tends to be the same as the full executive class one.