Looking for cheap Indonesian train tickets with the Mutiara Timur train? With Utiket you can search for all trains, find the lowest Mutiara Timur ticket price and most convenient travel times. Best of all, here on Utiket you can directly compare Mutiara Timur tickets from all stations in a city.
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Kereta Api Mutiara Timur travels between Surabaya (SGU) and Banyuwangi (BW). This train is also known as Mutiara Timur Malam, Mutiara Timur Siang.
Mutiara Timur Train is a train serving Surabaya - Banyuwangi rute and vice versa with departure time at noon. This train has been in operation since 1972. At the beginning of its operation, this train consisted of economy and business class. However, from April 7th, 1996, this train changed its services into business and executive class only. This train is an alternative transportation from Surabaya to Bali and vice versa. Although the train stops at Banyuwangi Sation, but for passengers who will proceed to Bali there is Executive Damri bus prepared by PT KAI .
Mutiara Timur Malam Train travels for about 308 km with a travel time of approximately seven hours each day. Every day there are two departure from Surabaya - Banyuwangi and vice versa. This train consists of four executive class carriages, a dining carriage and three business-class carriages. Throughout the journey, the train stops at several stations: Sidoarjo, Bangil, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Tanggul, Rambipuji, Jember, Kalisat, Kalibiru, Kalisetail, Temuguruh, Rogojampi and Karangasem.