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Kereta Api Serayu travels between Jakarta (PSE) and Purwokerto (PWT). This train is also known as Serayu Malam.
Serayu Train has two names: Serayu Pagi (Serayu Morning) and Serayu Malam (Serayu Night). This train is one of prime-economy train serving Jakarta Pasar Senen - Purwokerto route and it becomes the only one train from Jakarta heading to Central Java without passing through Cirebon but Bandung.
Formerly named Galuh Train, it launched 1n 1985. At that time Galuh Train served Banjar-Sidareja route and then its name was changed to Citrajaya Train with extended route to Cilacap and Jakarta Raya. But in the year of 1992, that route was shortened to Kroya and Citrajaya Train renamed to Cipuja Train. Finally, it has been renamed to Serayu Train in 1997 until present.
In September 1st, 2013, PT. KAI has been providing new route for Serayu Train departing from Purwokerto Station.
Serayu Train takes distance about 417 km for seven hours with the train consists of six economy class carriages equipped with Air Conditioner, one dining carriage and one baggage carriage. Seating capacity of each carriage for 106 seats.