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Train Tickets Purwakarta to Surabaya

Looking for a train ticket Purwakarta to Surabaya? Find the best and cheapest train tickets on this route and other relevant information. You can also search for cheap trains tickets for other routes and easily compare train and flight prices for different dates.

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Route Information Purwakarta to Surabaya

Stations in Purwakarta

About Station Surabaya Pasar Turi

Surabaya Pasar Turi Station is a great station serving as the main departure point of all trains going through Pantura (northbound) from Surabaya. As for the trains going through the southern and eastern line, they will depart from Surabaya Gubeng Station. The station is located at Jalan Semarang 1, Alun - Alun Contong, Bubutan, Central Surabaya and serves economy, business and executive class trains.

Stations in Surabaya

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