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Taman Sari Palace

The historic Palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta

Jl. Kyai Haji Wahid Hasyim, no: 129, Yogyakarta., Indonesia

Taman Sari Palace

Yogyakarta or Jogja is known as the cultural heart of Indonesia as the city is full of cultural and historical sites. One of them is the Taman Sari or Water Palace located 500 meters south of the Kraton (Sultans palace). The Taman Sari has an unique architecture, a mix of Javanese and Portuguese style because the first Sultan Hamengkubuwono was helped by Portuguese architects when building it in the mid 18th century.

The first thing impresses us is the unique gateway of Taman Sari with beautiful stone crafts. Inside you will find two water-reservoirs. They were used to be the bathing place of princesses and the kings wives. The baths are decorated with dragon's heads fontains and flower pots around.

Near the Water Palace is an underground mosque. It is an unique place, not only for the location but also the path leading to this mosque. To get there, you need to go through long alleyways and stairs. Normally mosques are build in a square but this unique mosque is shaped round. There is a well at the centre of the mosque, named as Gumilang Well. This mosque was the Sultan's private prayer-place.

The Taman Sari or Water Palace is a must see when you are in Jogja because you will get a good impression of the time of the old kingdoms hundreds of years ago.

Taman Sari Palace

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Transport options Taman Sari Palace

You can get here from the zero point (the exact centre of the city near the central Post Office) by pedicab or ojeg (motorcycle for public transportation) for less than IDR 10,000 or if you can combine it with a visit to the Kraton as it is within walking distance.

Ratings for Taman Sari Palace

6.6 / 10

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Good value7.2

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Good value

Ticket fees ticket fee

The ticket fee is IDR 3000 for domestic and IDR 5000 for foreign tourists.

Images for Taman Sari Palace

Related places: History

Things to do close by Taman Sari Palace

Getting to Yogyakarta

Flying to Yogyakarta


Yogyakarta is served by Adisutjipto International Airport and Yogyakarta International Airport. Adisutjipto International Airport is located about 6 km east from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Adisutjipto International Airport would cost 60.000. Read more about Adisutjipto International Airport or look for flights to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta International Airport is located about km from Yogyakarta. A taxi into the city from Yogyakarta International Airport would cost . Read more about Yogyakarta International Airport.

A train to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is also reachable by train. The city has several train stations where long-distance trains stop: station Brambanan, station Lempuyangan, station Sentolo, station Tugu.

Look for more Trains to Yogyakarta.
