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Utiket Flight Analytics for Flight Thai AirAsia FD3031.
Between Bangkok and Phuket.

What is the best month to arrive?


The best month to fly with Flight FD3031 is October and the most expensive month to fly is February. (Average prices, based on 322 datapoints.)

JanuaryRp. 711.952
FebruaryRp. 1.253.676
MarchRp. 856.060
OctoberRp. 551.645
NovemberRp. 864.847
DecemberRp. 1.013.320

What is the cheapest day to fly?


The best day to arrive at Bangkok is Tuesday and it would be best to avoid Saturday, as prices are on average 34.85% higher than on Tuesday. (Average prices, based on 46616289 datapoints.)

MondayRp. 828.913
TuesdayRp. 790.262
WednesdayRp. 893.979
ThursdayRp. 898.796
FridayRp. 1.062.625
SaturdayRp. 1.065.664
SundayRp. 933.143

Price distribution of Flight FD3031

This graph shows the distribution of prices found in the past years for this flight. (Average prices, based on 273 datapoints.)

2% of Prices between:
285k - 332k
1% of Prices between:
332k - 379k
5% of Prices between:
379k - 427k
6% of Prices between:
427k - 474k
4% of Prices between:
474k - 522k
8% of Prices between:
522k - 569k
8% of Prices between:
569k - 616k
8% of Prices between:
616k - 664k
10% of Prices between:
664k - 711k
5% of Prices between:
711k - 759k
7% of Prices between:
759k - 806k
5% of Prices between:
806k - 854k
9% of Prices between:
854k - 901k
4% of Prices between:
901k - 948k
4% of Prices between:
948k - 996k
3% of Prices between:
996k - 1m
3% of Prices between:
1m - 1.1m
1% of Prices between:
1.1m - 1.1m
2% of Prices between:
1.1m - 1.2m
3% of Prices between:
1.2m - 1.2m
1% of Prices between:
1.2m - 1.3m
1% of Prices between:
1.4m - 1.4m
1% of Prices between:
1.4m - 1.5m

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